
Save Big Bucks with a Little "Off the Top"!

For years US companies have learned the benefits of exporting jobs overseas. It is now standard practice to "off-shore" positions such as technical support, customer service, manufacturing, computer programmers, and even lawyers, allowing high-paid employees to be replaced with employees who are virtually free, sometimes being paid just pennies an hour more than actual slave labor. It's a bonanza of economic prosperity for those who boldly offshore, and financial ruin for those who do things the old-fashioned way.

Now offshoring has come to the ranks of senior management, even CEOs! That's right, with Off the Top, Inc., your company can slash costs like never before. Why pay $10 million for an executive, even an honest one, when you can hire an offshore CEO for as little as $1 a day--and get somebody who knows what he's doing and does it well! No secret deals to enrich a pal on the board; no insider trading--just honest, hard-working professionals. Fire that CEO and hire a replacement from India, Pakistan, Outer Mongolia, or Burundi--just a few of the many countries who provide offshore CEOs for our exclusive service.

We know our service is not for everybody. Some CEOs really do earn their pay. But for hundreds of corporations, like all the would-be Enrons of America, executive offshoring might just be the best business decision you ever made.

Offshore Executives:Cheap as They Can Be!

Senior executives! CEOs! Make your company more lucrative than ever before by taking "a little off the top"! Off the Top, Inc. brings the financial beauty of "offshoring" to the ranks of executives! Let us show you how to save your company millions of dollars, improve Corporate performance, and gain the respect of all your employees.
No more guilt over trashing the jobs of your loyal employees: now you can save REAL MONEY by trashing your own job and getting a low-cost overseas employee who may do your job even better than you. The offshore executives we provide are bound to be hardworking and honest, because if they are not, they'll be executed. Maybe their entire family. Simple as that!

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